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Doterra Oil Specialist


Tappan, New York

Kids/Pets; Adult children: 

Amanda and Dominic Also two fur babies Samson and Simon

My Oil Story:

When i was introduced to Doterra it did not take long for me to realize how perfectly they fit into my practice and lifestyle. I have 20+ years of experience training, group classes and workshops, meal planning and injury prevention.

Favorite Oil: 

Lavender and mint oils

Favorite Product: 

Copaiba, Deep Blue & Weight management products

Favorite Diffuser Blend:

Elevation and Adaptiv

What I love most about Doterra:

I love the co-impact sourcing, their continuous effort to produce the purest oils. The body will heal itself by itself. Doterra actually heals on a cellular level to aid that process for optimal health and wellness.

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